Android 开发技术周报 Issue#208

Android 开发技术周报 Issue#208

December 17, 2018 0 条评论 AndroidDevWeekly


  1. 已可下载编译 三分钟初探 Fuchsia SDK

  2. 谷歌政策更新 Android开源项目将变得更加开放

  3. Android 十年之路: 主屏与导航

  4. Android源代码添加 Fuchsia SDK 和 Fuchsia 设备支持

  5. 谷歌搜索新增Learn to Pronounce功能:帮用户学习单词发音

  6. Google:通过Play商城捐款将不再抽成30%


  1. Flutter路由管理代码这么长长长长长,阿里工程师怎么高效解决

  2. 流利说APM性能平台大盘工程实践

  3. 一起玩转 Android 项目中的字节码

开源库 & App

  1. kohttp

    Kotlin DSL http client (okhttp frontend)

  2. Valigator

    Validate EditText fields in a couple of lines, with custom, scalable validations.

  3. flutter_page_transition

    This is Flutter Page Transition Package

  4. OverloadReturn

    Bytecode rewriter that creates overloads of methods which vary only by return type.

  5. BeesAndroid

    This project aims to help more wireless development engineers understand and master the Android system by providing a series of tools and methods.

  6. AirLocation

    An Android library which simply gets you user's most precise current location via a callback!

  7. EasyFlipViewPager

    📖 The library for creating book and card flip animations in ViewPager in Android

  8. FloatingActionButtonExpandable

    An android library that brings the floating action button expandable

  9. klaster

    Declare RecyclerView adapters without boilerplate

  10. AndroidFilePicker

    🔖 FilePicker 是一个小巧快速的文件选择器框架,以快速集成、高自定义化和可配置化为目标不断前进~🚩

  11. Switcher

    Android implementation of switch animation from Oleg Frolov

  12. hauler

    Library with swipe to dismiss Activity gesture implementation

  13. ProgressableImageView

    Motivated by layout in Words Of Wonders app.

  14. FloatingToast

    Android library to create customizable floating animated toasts like in Clash Royale app


  1. DevHub

    DevHub: TweetDeck for GitHub - Android, iOS and Web 👉

  2. Proxyee Down

    一款开源的免费 HTTP 高速下载器,底层使用netty开发,支持自定义 HTTP 请求下载且支持扩展功能,可以通过安装扩展实现特殊的下载需求。


  1. First Aid Kit for Git

    Learn how to undo and recover from mistakes in Git. With our super-fast, super-easy videos and a handy cheat sheet.

  2. TEDEd双语:二进制是如何工作的


  1. JavaScript 完全手册(2018版)

    JavaScript 手册遵循 2/8 原则:在 20% 的时间内学习 80% 的 JavaScript。本手册旨在让你了解有关 JavaScript 的所有知识!

  2. 33 js concepts

    📜 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know.


  1. 剥茧抽丝做 UI 动效,其实很简单

  2. 文案与写作: 如何围绕内容进行设计


  1. Flare

    Insanely Fast Vector Animation for Apps, Games, and Web.

  2. Picular

    色彩界的 Google,一个关键词找到你想要的色彩

  3. DataColorPicker

  4. coolHue

    Coolest Gradient Hues and Swatches

  5. uiLogos for sketch

    Insert professionally designed dummy logos of company directly into SketchApp

  6. Bold-it

    Bold-it is a super simple plugin that bolds user-specified keyword in selected text layers.


  1. 一曲无声的赞歌

  2. 梁宁:我们有太多的产品,太少的品牌

  3. 怒斥美国发言人的美国记者有什么后台?


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